
Gregory Gregory came to me toward the end of my sweet Tabitha's life. Tabithat hated him, as she hated all cats, and Gregory was usually respectful enough to stay out of her way. I called him "Grey Kitty" for about nine months before I finally renamed him Gregory. I had tried different names, but nothing would stick. My sister suggested the name Gregory because it sounds so much like Grey Kitty that the transition would be easier.

Wherever I live, Gregory is always everyone's favorite cat. He is extrememly friendly. Too friendly. I have seen him follow people into their apartments many times. Once I went looking for him to get him inside and I found him looking down at me from some other girl's balcony.

Gregory bathing Xena Aside from being a wonderful companion to humans, he also is a great mama cat to kittens. I have brought many kittens into my home. Gregory will always play with them, more gently than he normally plays. And he bathes them too. He pins them down and licks them clean while they scream and cry. This is a photo of Gregory cleaning Xena.

He is something of a trouble maker, though. He likes to pick on other cats, seemingly for fun. He makes a big fuss if he doesn't get what he wants all the time. But he is generally incredibly laid back. A complete stranger could walk up to Gregory, pick him up any which way, swing him around, anything at all, and Gregory would just purr. And he loves to snuggle with me at night.

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