Stripe and Blue

Stripe is the mother of both litters of puppies. I believe that Blue is the father.

Stripe, the mama dog Stripe mostly stays close to the neighbor's house. He and his daughter are the only people that Stripe and Blue are not afraid of. But they rarely let even them touch them.

It is lucky that I was ever able to catch Stripe. It took me about five months before she would even consider coming near me. A couple of times I got her to smell my hand and eat food while I was nearby. And then one day I was able to pet her. But she was still nursing her puppies so I couldn't try to bring her to my house. I never thought I would get another chance like that again. Then on a very cold night after the puppies had been adopted, I caught her off guard. She was curled up inside an old ripped up chair. She saw me at the last minute, but she was stuck. I pet her for a minute and then grabbed her by the back of the neck and around her body and held on as tight as I possibly could. I had to carry her about 150 feet to my house while she fussed and squirmed.

It was two days before I could get her to the vet for spaying and vaccinations. Then it was another few days before she was healed enough to be released. Luckily, two of the puppies were still at my house waiting for their new families to take them home. When she saw them she and the puppies were much more relaxed. I tried to socialize her for the week that she was staying with me, but I was not successful. She would let me pet her without any fuss but she was obviously petrified. She still won't come near me. Every once in a while, if she isn't paying attention, I can sneak up to her and pet her. But that has only happened a few times and I don't think she ever really appreciates it as much as I do.

Blue, the papa Blue got his name because he has one pale blue eye. The poor little guy is so badly matted he looks like he is wearing a hula skirt. I was able to barely touch him one time, but otherwise have never been closer than five feet. Aside from getting him neutered and vaccinated, I would really have liked to have shaved him. He must be very uncomfortable.

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