This site was originally put up as a way to keep my family and friends updated. It gets tiresome telling people the same stories over an over and sending pictures out to everyone. So I decided to put everything up in one spot where anyone can look at any time. They can read what looks interesting to them and ignore what doesn't. I never even expected anyone else to look at it. But many people have visited and have sent me very kind emails. I appreciate that so very much.
So why is this site a chaotic maze of ramblings? Well, it wasn't entirely intentional, but
I left it this way because I think it is a nice approximation of how my brain is set up.
It isn't organized. It isn't easy to find your way around. Some things are out in
front for everyone to see, and other things are buried. But it is all accessible to
anyone who is willing to take the time to dig around. Well, it isn't ALL there, but I
add new stuff when I feel inspired to write about it. But you can find what you are looking for on
this site by going to the site index.
And the reason that this site is so ugly and lame is because I am not a web designer. I don't know what I am doing and I don't care. I just wanted to put up a site. Maybe someday I will make it pretty. Maybe not.