
Yeah OK so her name does not at all fit her. She is not a warrior, but she is a princess.

Xena at 6 weeks It's amazing that I even found her. It was turning dark, I was riding my bike along the highway and I just happened to look down for a moment. A tiny little face was looking back up at me from the edge of the sidewalk. I got off my bike and picked up a dirty 4 week old kitten. There were no other kittens or any adult cats anywhere. My guess is that someone dumped her there or maybe something had already happened to the mother and other kittens. There is no way to know. But I took her home and tried (kind of) to find her a home. I am happy to say that no one could take her.

She was so terrified the first night we had her. She would sit in a corner and try not to fall asleep. But she was so exhausted that she would slowly start to fall over and then wake herself up. Until finally, she just fell asleep with her head leaning against a bookshelf. Rocky reacted so angrily to her that I was afraid to leave her alone with him. When I finally let Rocky get to her, he ran up to her, growled and hissed, and they were friends from then on.

Rocky and Xena cuddling Now Rocky and Xena are very close. They have often been seen snuggling and bathing each other. They used to wrestle a lot too. They still chase each other around sometimes, but they are much calmer now that they are all grown up.

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