Vegan Girl Welcomes You!
This site map is a list of old pages which reflect what I used to be about between 2000 and 2003 when I first put up the site. As you can see, it was A LOT of animal rescue, which was very rewarding, with a
sprinkling of other random things like home ownership, fiddling, thoughts about my
mother, and, of course, veganism. These days, I'm more interested in health through
raw vegan food, art, my new life in Asheville, zany retirement schmes, and embracing and enjoying every day.
I'm sorry, did you come here looking for information on veganism? Well, you won't find much of that here. This is a site that only my close friends and Aunt Kathie would appreciate. It's just a bunch of crap about me and my life. I just happened to get a really cool domain name. If you want vegan resources, check out VeggieGirl.com. She kicks ass. If you want my domain, send me a cashier's check for one million dollars.
Well, OK, I should give you something. Here's a very informative video: Now back to matters of little or no consequence... I am now living in Seattle, WA! It was a fun journey from Austin to Seattle, with my friends Michael and Susan, their dog Sam, my six animals as well as my sweet foster dog Giselle who was then adopted by Michael and Susan and had to make the long trip back to Austin again.
I moved to Seattle mostly for the vegan food. So far I have not been disappointed. I have been vegan since early 1995 and was not thrilled with the dining options in Austin. There are about a dozen all-vegan establishments in the Seattle area. These include a donut shop and a pizzaria. Those and the other restaurants serve amazing food. There are dozens of vegetarian restaurants in town as well. I haven't been to all of them, but the ones I have tried have been very good and very vegan-friendly. There is a particularly good bakery nearby that is almost entirely vegan. Hopefully they will drop those two or three non-vegan items from their menu eventually. I spend a lot of my time at the Vegan Warehouse which is home to VeganCats.com, VeganMercantile.com, NARN, and a pool table.
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